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Re: yet another new conlang web page

From:Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>
Date:Friday, July 16, 1999, 20:29
> This is what you get for letting me read a Japanese grammar: my >new language Kusthu". It came to me in a flurry of inspiration last >weekend and I haven't been able to stop working on it since.
Very nice! Two points of clarification/correction/whatever: First, you have the sentence: pfus im ty dend si mak im nga ksette dog my NOM bird GEN friend my ACC attack "My dog attacked my friend's bird" Shouldn't that be "Pfus im ty mak im si dend nga ksette"? The way you have it, it should mean something like "My dog attacked a bird's friend of mine" (?). Also, you give the sentence: se si mak ve rus nga to"mma you GEN friend DAT book ACC give-1P "I gave the book to a friend" What's the "se si" doing there? Does the sentence actually mean "I gave the book to YOUR friend"? And if so, why "se si" and not the postnominal particle meaning "your" (can't remember what it is... "is" or something)? Keep up the good work! Matt. ------------------------------------ Matt Pearson UCLA Linguistics Department 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543 ------------------------------------