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Re: Probability of Article Replacement?

From:Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 11:48
Staving Joe:

>Essential? Articles serve no essential purpose in a language. They clarify, >but a distinction is not neccesary.
Are there any languages that mark a definite/indefinite distinction by means other than articles? I've considered using inflections or word order to mark it in various conlangs. I suppose there's the wa/ga distinction in Japanese, but that's restricting a particular grammatical role (the topic) to definite things, rather than marking definitiveness as such. Pete Bleackley


Tristan <kesuari@...>
John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Joe <joe@...>
Stephen Mulraney <ataltanie@...>
Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>