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Re: Yivrian font

From:Stephen DeGrace <stevedegrace@...>
Date:Thursday, June 13, 2002, 7:39
--- In conlang@y..., Christophe Grandsire
<christophe.grandsire@F...> wrote:
> En réponse à Stephen DeGrace <stevedegrace@Y...>: > > > How do I instal the yiv.ttf font? I've never
> > a font before from the ttf file... I went and
> > it into my Fonts folder from the Control Panel and > > even restarted my computer after, but the Yivrian > > Script page still displays without the yiv.ttf
> > > > Wow! Big mistake. Copying the TTF file to the Fonts
folder won't do anything.
> The font must be installed so that the system
recognises it. The Fonts folder
> is a special one, you normally are not supposed to
copy anything directly to
> it. So you first have to get that file out of it to
another place :) . Then on
> the Fonts directory go to File/Install New Font...
You get a small window where
> you can browse for the TTF file. Once found, just
click twice on it and it's
> done :)) . You don't even have to restart your
computer :)) . Thought of that already... the Fonts directory has no Install New Font option under File. None of the menus has a useful option... I'm using Win95 if that helps... anyone have any idea how to do this under Win95? :) Anyway, I at least moved the file back on out of there, that might do some good. Help gratefully appreciated, I would like to look at the page in the proper script :). Stephen ..who must sleep... :) ______________________________________________________________________ Movies, Music, Sports, Games!


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>