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Re: How do you say 'Hello' to an alien?

From:Samuel Rivier <samuelriv@...>
Date:Sunday, August 3, 2003, 15:53
Let me try replying to all these threads.

First, Arecibo IS movable. It is built into a large
depression, yes, but it can be steered within a very
small cone of arc (IIRC about 10 degrees). It wouldn't
be very useful, otherwise, particularly when it
requires long exposure times.

Second, the subject of ET intelligent communication is
a difficult one-- the main problem is this: you have
to create a 'code' that's as easy to decipher as
logically possible.
I dunno if you guys have seen or read "Contact," but
the subject is dealt with at length in the book. The
idea of using math (prime numbers is generally agreed
to be the best mode) is ideal to simply say 'we're out
there and we're intelligent and listen the f*** up!'
Math can then be used to tell the species how to
receive further communications (in Contact it was
video). This is done by sending dimensions for a dot
matrix or something similar, then feeding the 1's and
0's to create a simple picture. A proposal for one of
these pictures is seen in "The Code Book" and diagrams
the species themselves anatomically, their star
system, and, perhaps most importantly, atoms of
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, indicating they're
carbon-based lifeforms and of significant

Before I go on, you might ask how we know they'll be
advanced enough to get the message. Our solar system
is relatively recently created (5 billion years is not
that long a time). There is a significant majority of
G main sequence stars that were created before ours,
and this can range from millions to billions of years.
Just try to imagine this is terms of not just
technological, but biological advancement.
So why haven't they called us yet? Or even visited? A
couple theories: interstellar travel is truly
impossible or impractical, we haven't been listening
for long enough, or an intelligent species is destined
to wipe itself out in one way or another.

One more thing. The question of how to distinguish
compass directions (left vs right, east vs west) when
communicating electronically. The answer lies in
particle physics. IIRC, beta radiation is always
released with a left-hand spin in neutron

Oh and lastly, with even a million years of extra
evolution and technology, aliens might not see atoms
as basic units of reality anymore. Perhaps their
understanding of physics is so deep that the atom as a
unit has become obselete. Then we'll be pretty damn

That's all I have to say

-Sam Rivier

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