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Re: "Useful languages"

From:Padraic Brown <agricola@...>
Date:Saturday, February 16, 2002, 5:05
Am 15.02.02, Danny Wier yscrifef:

> > And I'm thinking of a Bösendorfer Imperial Grand which has 97 keys (Tori Amos > plays one).
Cool. Are the "extra" notes at the top or bottom? I wouldn't mind an extra octave or so tacked on down below...
> MIDI specs only allows 127 possible notes....
That's about the limit of a really big organ (10 octaves). Most will only give 8 or 9, though - keep in mind the lengths of the pipes must double for each octave down (or halve for each octave up).
> ~Danny~
Padraic. -- Gwerez dah, chee gwaz vaz, ha leal.