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Re: World premiere

From:James Worlton <jworlton@...>
Date:Thursday, March 11, 2004, 2:03
Marshall and Endemann wrote:
> On March 20 In the Pilgrims' Church in Leiden, the Netherlands, an > international choir of nearly 200 high school students (with two wind bands) > will present the premiere of a specially commissioned 10 minute work 'U > Trau'.
Congrats on the performance. You will let us know how it goes? I, too have a world premiere coming up in the fall (no date set yet), a commission from the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition at Brigham Young University for a setting of 3 poems by American poet Alice Fulton (soprano and chamber ensemble). Got to finish writing it first...
> This will be the first ever performance of a text in the Niuspi language, > though I am working on others.
Excellent. I have had the same idea for Orēlynna, and am working sporadically on a men's chorus setting of an original text (no performance group lined up, though). It's good to see composers writing more than just notes these days! :) -- ============= James Worlton (composer too) "We know by means of our intelligence that what the intelligence does not comprehend is more real than what it does comprehend." --Simone Weil


Marshall and Endemann <vaiaata@...>