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CHAT: (Yaht-bún) => "Yaponiya" (wasRe: CHAT: "boocoo")

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Sunday, May 25, 2003, 17:44
In a message dated 2003:05:24 03:03:09 PM, isaacp@UKR.NET writes:

>Joe scripsit: > ><<The Cantonese is Yat6Bun2 (Yaht-bún) (xx=Nihon). That looks close enough >to "Japan" to me.>> > >Now I know where the Russian language got the name "Yaponiya"...
Hmm, just goes to show that the ever-in-search-of-adventure-&-gambles Cantonese have gone and been just about everywhere ;) --- Hanuman Zhang (aka "Z") WOG (Wiley Oriental Gentleman ;) Avatar of Sun WuKong, a.k.a _Ma-Lau_ ("Monkey") a.k.a. "TricksterGod of the Glorious Anti-Imperialist Chinese Boxers"; ¡¡¡ TricksterShapeShifterIncarnate !!! <= thee prIs ov X.iztenz iz aetern'l warfaer 'N' kreativ playf'llnizz... => => om hung hanumatay rudratmakai hung phat <= mantra to Hanuman the Hindu Monkey TricksterGod
>Finally a religious statement I can agree with: > >the Zoroastrian teaching that it is a sin for a person to be boring.
"Life is all a great joke, but only the brave ever get the point." - Kenneth Rexroth googolgigglabyte goegolgiechelbijt - of - met een vette megagrijns GoogolGekicherByte googolrisibyte ===> el byte de la risita de googol googolrisadinhabyte ===> o byte de risadinha de googol googolspassoctet guugoIllolbijt gugolhihibajt gugolngisibayt okukolkikikol egúgelegigalibaith kiletstroknolyadgigabaiti cimacimakekehapi baitakhakhweifayatrauni ufi'auayinisuguguluarkhar pokatra oemadroabhethetre inarevuta yhiyhayhake nawyo va'i utne tuktukt'ishushukuko`g tuk go`go`o`gwgaga