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Re: 'Yemls Morphology

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, July 9, 2001, 12:01
En réponse à Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...>:

> > > >I don't understand very well your sentence ("If the last word is not > the > >head of the last qualifier..."), but for what is worth, Basque only > >inflects the last word of a noun phrase. It's sometimes the head noun, > but > >in Basque adjectives usually follow nouns, and thus it's quite > frequent > >that it's an adjective that is inflected instead of the head noun of > the > >noun phrase. > > It seems you understood it well enough, although I hope to rewrite > that > explanation. I'm glad to find that out about Basque, so that 'Yemls > isn't > too unnatural. >
Moten works that way too, but it expands this idea to all parts of speech. Moreover, like in Basque, when phrases are coordinated, only the last word of the last phrase receives inflection. I find it a neat feature of Basque, that's why I adapted it for Moten.
> > > >My Moten uses -s- as an infix, but also -d-, -f- and -v- :) . It has > also > >the suffixes -i and -n. And if you look at my page on the part about > >Moten, you'll see a full page devoted only to the sound changes due to > the > >presence of those affixes :))) . > > I'll have to take a look. >
Then I hope you can read a little French. I've been told that my pages were quite understandable even for people with a minor knowledge of written French, but I prefer to warn in the first place.
> > Not generally in the affixes, but there will be some in the vocabulary, > I'm > sure. >
:) I like it. Christophe.