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Re: Color system

From:Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...>
Date:Friday, October 15, 2004, 12:08
On Thursday 14 October 2004 13:28, Yann Kiraly wrote:

 > It-a'oth, my first almost realistic conlang has a very
 > simple color system: It has three base colours, that are
 > threated either as nouns or adjectives. These are:
 > red a'on
 > [...]

Daléian does that job too logical:

 | erera    -  black, dark
 | esira    -  white, light, pale
 | anira    -  red
 | enira    -  yellow
 | inira    -  blue
 | aninira  -  violet   <- red    + blue
 | eninira  -  green    <- yellow + blue
 | enanira  -  orange   <- yellow + red
 | eranira  -  brown    <- black  + red
 | esanira  -  pink     <- white  + red
 | eresira  -   gray     <- black  + white
 | etc. pp.

Note that adjectives are "ra"-verbs in Daléian!

For Ayeri, I haven't made up color terms yet, except
"maca" (white, light, shining), "macárya" (opposite of
"maca"), "avirang" (golden) and "idian" (silver). I thought
that green should be a basic colour, too, because the Ayeri
people lives in a rain forest, where the green of trees and
plants is of course dominating. So I think I'm basically
going for black, blue, green, yellow, red, white. Let's see
which terms can be added, I mean such as orange, beige,
turquoise (sp?), brown, gray, ...

What a pity that I belong to those ~8% of males who have
problems perceiving the difference between certain
contrasts a.k.a. "colourblinds". For me, it's certain
shades of red + green, also #FFFF00 (RGB yellow) and
#00FF00 (pure RGB green). I got it from my father, who is
not colourblind AFAIK.


Eri silveváng aibannama padangin.
Nivaie evaenain eri ming silvoieváng caparei.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince