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Re: OT More pens (was Re: Phoneme winnowing continues)

From:Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 8:36
Staving Stone Gordonssen:
>>Soon - hopefully - even paper documentation will also go into the trash >>heap of history (or, better yet, the recycling bin or archives depending on >>the >>nature of the contents). > >I certainly hope not. I *LIKE* being able to hold a book in my hands and >fall asleep with it at night. >One of the big issues today is that, with the usage of computers to create >dovcuments, there will be no rough drafts from which oine can learn the >changes in an author's perspective as he/she developed a story. >
As Terry Pratchett puts it, "Tough luck, literary historians of the future! try getting a proper job!" Pete