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Re: THEORY: Subject: THEORY: Word Order In Phrases

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 1, 2002, 18:44
Daniel Andreasson wrote:
>Peter Clark wrote: > > > This reminds me of a former roommate of mine whose Russian > > improved dramatically when liberally sprinkled with vodka > > (or alcohol of any kind)... > >I believe the technical term is "the whiskey effect". Or at >least that's what I was taught at my uni. :)
A friend of my did much better than expected on a German exam after spending the night before the exam drinking lots of beer at a Bavaria-themed student-festival*. We're all convinced there's a causal relationship 'tween the beer and the exam result. * Incidentially, this festival's called "München Hoben". After consulting some mystified German exchange students, we THINK this is meant to mean "Munich, We Drank". Any Germanophone on the list with an opinion on the matter? Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


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