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Re: THEORY: Subject: THEORY: Word Order In Phrases

From:Roberto Suarez Soto <ask4it@...>
Date:Monday, September 30, 2002, 20:57
On Sep/30/2002, Christophe Grandsire wrote:

> A Spanish guy who compares French to English to try and make sense to a French > sentence... Well, this one I had never seen! You would have made better bets if
What can I say. Live and learn! :-) There are a lot of words of french origin in english, so I thought I could dare to speculate ;-)
> you had compared it with your mothertongue ;))) . For instance, don't you find > the similarity between 'goûts' and 'gustos' obvious? (note: the circumflex in
I didn't, because I didn't thought on the pronunciation. And I should: the very few things that I looked once about french made me realize that there are words that look different, but are quite the same when pronounced.
> compared it with Spanish 'deinde'. You wouldn't have been so wrong, since they
"Deinde"? Is that really spanish? :-m I have never heard it O:-)
> Well, I could never imagine that a speaker of a Romance language would ever try > to compare another Romance lang with English to try and understand it...
It was just a bug in my mental pattern matching engine. Have to apply latest patch, I guess :-m :-) -- Roberto Suarez Soto


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>