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Re: ergative + another introduction

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, November 18, 2004, 7:31
David Peterson wrote:
> So, > from now on, if anyone asks about ergativity (that's once a month or so on > the list), > my hope is that we can point people to the following site: > >
Indeed! (I'll read it tomorrow, er, later being 2:30 AM)
> if anyone has anything to add about ergativity (for example, I'd like to > add > a list > of conlangs that are ergative that have their ergativity explained on a > website > somewhere),
(The Grey Wizard) David Bell's _Amman Iar_ is a MUST. Contains a lengthy discussion of ergativity, too. Well, he's isn't on the List anymore, and I don't have the URL, but I'm sure someone (or Google) does.