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Re: Anth Assignment Conorthography

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 4:25
>Guess what? > >Even though i dropped my Sociolinguistics class, amazingly out of nowhere >i have an assignment for my Anthropology course in archeology of making >my own Chinese/Cuneiform/Hieroglyphics/Mayan "word signs" type of writing >system, making up signs for a list of words that they gave us and enough >other words in order to write a short paragraph in the system. And we >have to make up a number system.
Wow, sounds fun! I've been pondering doing something like that, but the idea just overwhelms me. It's too bad there isn't an anthropology course at my school like the one at yours. Oh well, I guess i'll have to settle for the Spanish grammar course I want to take next semester.
> > >So, of course, i'm basing mine on Rokbeigalmki....conculturally, it'll be >some kind of journal entry written by Stíígiyus Nededh-Yagh to practice >the word-sign orthography which was the first Rokbeigalmki script, but >only lasted a few weeks until the people who were developing it decided >that alphabetics would fit their language much better (and let them write >names).
Very cool idea to link it to your conlang and conculture. I hope we all get to see the end result. Will the look of it be more Egyptian or more Cuneiform? ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.