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Re: OT: Animal-sound ideophones (was Re: OT: Junk)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Saturday, September 13, 2003, 17:04
Isadora Zamora wrote:
> It has occurred to me to wonder how many of you have invented any > animal-sound ideophones for your conlangs? If you have, how did you come > up with them?
With little difficulty :-)))) Kash: ñar [JAr ~JA:r:] to roar, applies to Kash as well as to animals. Sound change *N > ñ somewhat obscures the obvious onomatopoeia. rondoñ ['rondoN] ~rondondroñ [ron'dondroN] ~rondroñ ['rondroN] (violates /r..r../ rule!) low-pitched purring sound; the sound of some motors. muru-muru the purring sound made by Cousin spp. (the Kash can't do it)-- more of a rumble actually, like what you hear from contented tigers and lions. (IIRC, the mechanism of cats' purring is still a mystery.) OT: have others seen the TV show (on Animal Planet in the US) about the Tiger Island Park in (I gather) Australia? The tigers are hand-raised from birth and quite tame, roam around with their keepers and mingle (carefully) with the visitors etc. Abolutely charming. Overgrown kittycats.