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Re: Auxiliary verbs

From:Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 9, 2006, 13:26
On 5/8/06, Yahya Abdal-Aziz <yahya@...> wrote:

> obConlang: The auxiliary and modal verbs of > English present a useful model for the meta > discussion of action: expressing attitudes and > the like. My feeling is that French, German and > Spanish have equally subtle distinctions, as > probably do most natlangs. Although I was
> physical aspects of a language. So, in the > interests of naturalism, I'd like to encourage > other conlangers to pay attention to providing > an adequate stock of words and structures > dealing with attitude and emotion, rather than > overly focussing on teh tangible.
Expressing fine shades of attitude and emotion was one of the main design goals of gzb, and though it's not quite what it should be in that area, it's less inadequate for that than for many other purposes. Specifically, for "want, may, will, need" etc, there are vy - willing, intending, deciding on something. gâw - considering, thinking about whether to do something ĝĭj - hesitation, indecision sru - desiring something (without necessarily intending to do/obtain it) źu - wishing, hoping for something (implies it's something not entirely in one's power) bâň - being allowed, permitted to do something dlu - having the right to do something ĵy - needing, requiring These normally take the stative verb ending -van, except "vy" and "gâw" which may take the active verb ending -zô depending on the semantic context. -- Jim Henry