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Re: Latin a loglang? (was Re: Unambiguous languages (was: EU allumettes))

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 12, 2004, 21:51

Ray Brown <ray.brown@...> writes:
> Besides, what's the problem? Russian, e.g., has just as 'complicated > grammar' as Latin, but no one denies that it's a modern language and books > teaching Russian don't feel compelled to present it as an "algebraic > puzzle".
Hihi. I once personally felt Russian like being 'Latin grammar, but you want to speak it'. Declension is even quite similar to Latin, I felt. And then I saw Icelandic, and it was about the same, just different. :-) ('more' German like grammar, but more complex morphology).
> Try reading literary German!!
What? That bad? Hmm... **Henrik


Mark P. Line <mark@...>