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Re: THEORY: language and the brain [Interesting article]

From:Amanda Babcock <langs@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 14:51
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 11:24:55AM +0200, Christophe Grandsire wrote:

> Of course not! I've also heard that studies had shown that synaptic > connections between the two hemispheres were more numerous in left-handed > people's brains than in right-handed people's ones (thus making > communications between the two hemispheres more important than in > right-handed brains). In other words, brains of left-handed people would be > *less* lateralised than brains of right-handed people (which in my opinion > is compatible with what you are saying). So left-handedness is not > associated really with a swap of lateralisation but with a lessening of > said lateralisation.
I wonder if 50% of the less-lateralized people are right-handed, but lost in the much larger group of lateralized right-handers? Amanda