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Re: "Ideographic" writing systems for the Millions

From:John Quijada <jq_ithkuil@...>
Date:Monday, August 9, 2004, 20:22
Patrick Dunn wrote:
>Has anyone made a serious effort to create a writing system like Chinese >or Hieroglyphs for one of their conlangs? I have toyed it with, on and
>but the major problem is bookkeeping, of course. Any technical solutions
>that problem?
_____________________________ While it is neither ideographic nor hieroglyphic (nor is it alphabetic, a syllabry or an abugida), you might be interested in looking at the "morpho- phonemic" script used to write Ithkuil. The script is based on 252 core characters plus 54 specialized combinatory elements, all of which mutate in complex but very systematic ways to generate 3606 characters. The script is designed to make for a "compressed" writing system. It is explained in detail in Chapter 11 of the online Ithkuil grammar at --John Quijada