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Re: Weekly Vocab 6

From:michael poxon <m.poxon@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 7, 2003, 10:59
1. Induna oretinalde sirien dilde na
This sort of "know" is translated by the construction "I have the skill
(skill) (use(noun) + dat) (sword + gen) (to me) (is)
or:- "To me is the skill for the using of a sword"

2. Omneta a laisua mali da
This sort of "know" (have knowledge of something) = the verb Mali:
(word + collective) (that) (letter + loc) (know) (1ps Aux)
or:- "I know the words of that letter"

3. Aheti amarduna askarieten belega,
gu lien diri gira sundoa helari.
(laugh at) (might(noun)) (collection-of-fighters + gen) (Ought (Aux.) + neg
+ personless pron.),
(because) (of-them) (four) (throw) (prison + loc) (Be able (Aux.) +

In (3) the ending -ga represents a "fourth person" translated as "all us",
"you-all" "People generally"

I think three's enough for now. One can get caught up in explaining the
intricacies of conlangs!