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Re: Lahabic Syntax

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 3, 2000, 1:01
Estelachan@AOL.COM wrote:
> Yet, I have the English words "planet" and (some senses of) "world" > broken into six or so words involving who could and/or does live there.
Fascinating! You mind sharing with us the words? Lúnago, my very-sketchy con-creole uses several words (I'm not sure exactly of the forms): Planet - Uninhabited ? - Life-bearing planet ? - No life, but terraformable ? - Has intelligent life, but no nature [people living in domes] World - Inhabited, with nature In my personal usage, world is inhabited, planet is not. Sun has a world, star does not; moon orbits a world, satellite orbits a planet. -- Dievas dave dantis; Dievas duos duonos God gave teeth; God will give bread - Lithuanian proverb ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor