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Re: Terminology defsq

From:Eric Christopherson <raccoon@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 15, 1999, 0:20
----- Original Message -----
From: Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
To: Multiple recipients of list CONLANG <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Terminology defsq

> John Cowan wrote: > > I say /INgUlf/, /INgordZ/, /INgejdZ/ /@n+gIldId/, /AngowIN/. > > "Ungilded" has a definite juncture, and "ongoing" has initial stress, > > which probably account for the lack of assimilation.
> So, other native speakers of English: what do you use in those words? > /ng/ or /Ng/ or something in between? It would be interesting to see > which dialects use /n/, and which use /N/.
I seem to alternate between [N] and [n]... mostly, though, I say [N]. Also I use a vowel more like [E] than [I]... [EN"gVlf]. PS: I thought it was interesting that John pronounces ing- as [INg] but un- as [@n] rather than [Vn].