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Re: Essentially...

From:Steven Williams <feurieaux@...>
Date:Monday, March 7, 2005, 21:14
 --- Joe <joe@...> schrieb:
> Sally Caves wrote: > > > It is essential that, you the German syntax and > > punctuation right get must. > > That should be: "It is essential, that you the > German Syntax and Punctuation right get must", > surely? Or were those deliberate mistakes.
Right, the proper syntax would be as you said, "it is essential, that you the German syntax and punctuation right get must." In German, it would be something like "es ist unbedingt notwendig, dass man das deutsche Syntax und Zeichensetzung richtig machen muss."
> I love German. Eine schoene sprache, nicht?
Indeed. It's a very dignified and elegant language, I think. ___________________________________________________________ Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Jetzt mit 250MB Speicher kostenlos - Hier anmelden: