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Re: Kankonian has disappeared

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Saturday, December 14, 2002, 16:52
James Landau writes:
 > > I don't, but it appears at least some of it is archived at
 >  Here's the last saved version, from October 2001
 >  Izar! (Thanks!) Do they keep everything there? I'm so amazed that someone
 > actually knows where the very language can be located! I was starting to give
 > up after its sudden disappearance.
I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it's an automatic system.  You
can enter any web address, and it'll show you what it looked like at
various dates.  Which is , of course, particularly useful when the
present page is nonexistant... They don't get absolutely everything of
course, but most of the conlang FAQ was retreived that way.

Incidentally, I noticed that while the links on your page (for culture
etc) don't work on the archived copy, they are archived (or at least
one of them is).  You can get to it by changing the filename in the
URL, or reentering it in the search.


Muke Tever <mktvr@...>