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Re: Whiteness?

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 5, 2000, 8:34
>Good grief, I can barely trace my own ancestry back to the last (i.e. >19th) >century - goodness knows where some of my forebears were 400 years ago!
Well, supposedly, my grandfather traced his lineage back to one of Mary Queen of Scot's relatives (a cousin, not sure, Grandpa isnt alive to ask). We also are related to a preacher named "Johnathan Edwards" (My grandfather's last name was Edwards), and he also told my mother our family owned the deed to some land in NYC (he saw it, but there was some parts cut out of it). The story goes it was lost by an ancestor of ours in a bet to Aaron Burr's lawyer (it's been a long time since i heard of this, and since Grandpa is no longer alive I cant ask). _____________________________________ "Courtesy is the KY Jelly of social intercourse"