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Re: THEORY: Natural language change (was Re: Charlie and I)

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 22, 1999, 15:42
On 21 Sep 1999, Irina wrote:

>On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Steg Belsky wrote: > >> On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 23:23:16 -0700 Barry Garcia >> <Barry_Garcia@...> writes: > >> > It means "If you can understand this, you know too much" :) >> >> Now *that* sounds like a perfect translation excersize! :) > >In Valdyan: > > Jat rasta an veray, mornie ornenay. > >Literally: "if you can work this out, you have learned too much". > > Irina
Joining in with the rtemmu version: inawuh mhu ya`s na fdihlhe zuv awa`k auwe, lulina fdihl auag ndonon auni. More or less literally: "I am considering: your understanding this if, all will consider (this) understanding (a) danger, then." inawuh mhu = the speaker is considering your unknown subjective rate of change ya`s = begin conditional phrase ("a`" = [&], open front unrounded vowel) na fdihl = subjective normal rate of understanding (comments on "inawuh mhu") -he = with respect to zuv awa`k = objectively seemingly unchanging this auwe = if luli = everyone can observe in the future auag = assertion ndonon = danger auni = then (if...then) BTW, in my last posting when I translated "it's me" as "inifnuhzuv", I made a mistake: it should have read: "inafnuhzuv". "ni" indicates a subjective change too fast to follow. "na" indicates a subjective "normal" rate of change, which is what I had intended. What I wrote could be interpreted as: "In a flash of inspiration so fast that I couldn't sense it, I realized that it's me!" As when someone asks you to speak to you and it takes a few minutes until you suddenly realize that indeed, you are you! I may have been in such a state when I wrote my last post! :-) (I may be there _now_ after fighting with Outlook Express which froze me then erased my post just before I sent it! Hope _this_ time it works!) Dan Sulani Nope! Frozen again! But at least this time it didn't erase it all! Here we go one more time! -------------------------------------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.