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Re: THEORY: Natural language change (was Re: Charlie and I)

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 21, 1999, 19:01
OK, i finally figured out the problem here,
and it *does* have relevance to conlang:

> Li prega de Beb=E9: > Bon Deo, benedi papa, benedi mama, benedi mi nurse, > fe me sempre plu sagi e precipue effortia memorar it, > por que yo ne es fortiat repetir it omni vesperes.
Even changing "precipue" (meaning "especially" or "above all") to a more regular and colorless "principalmen", I didn't get the joke; the real problem is in the misleading punctuation. I can't see how the Romans lived without punctuation, or the Japanese today, even putting verbs strictly last ... but maybe that is really a major advantage of SOV typology. Anyway, changing the punctuation the joke becomes obvious: Oh no! a lightning storm suddenly appeared here in L.A.!!! Li prega de Beb=E9: Bon Deo, benedi papa, benedi mama, benedi mi nurse, fe me sempre plu sagi. E precipue, effortia memorar it por que yo ne es fortiat repetir it omni vesperes. "And above all, (You, imperative) try to remember it, ..."