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Re: Tenses, moods, aspects!

From:Jim Grossmann <steven@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 15, 2000, 2:46
Don't have time for as many as I can, but you've got the other listers to
help you too.   ;-)

note on non-finite forms:   participles, when they are not verb complements,
function as adjectives.   e.g.  the singing nun.   gerunds function as
nouns, e.g.  that singing is driving me crazy.

note on your scheme:   giving us the number of vowels will help listers help

hear are some typical tenses, aspects, and moods:

tenses:   remote past    recent past    present     near future    remote

aspects:   simple    perfective    progressive    inceptive    frequentative

moods:     indicative    interrogative    imperative    jussive    optative

there are lots more,


> Friends, conlangers, net.people! > > Please help me to come up with as many tenses, moods and aspects -- > natlang, whatever-lang or newly imagined as you can. I'm totally
> my lang Funus, having decided that all derivation is actually related to > these categories. > > The lang has C-C-C roots and v-v infixes. The latter indicate TMA. If
> word has the form CvCCv it is a finite (or in native parlance "moving") > form, and if it is CvCvC it is infinite/"resting" (nouns are participles!) > > TIA, > > > /BP 8^)> > -- > B.Philip Jonsson (delete X) > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > "Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk, > and so they are gone to milk the bull." > -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;) >