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Re: Tsolyani

From:Bryan Maloney <bjm10@...>
Date:Monday, October 5, 1998, 19:26
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Terrence Donnelly wrote:

> set on Tsolyani grammar. Boy, is it detailed! One almost thinks he > created the Tekumel game just an an excuse to do conlanging. Is anyone
Ngangmuru! Actually, Professor of Linguistics, M.A.R. Barker created the language and world simultaneously, the world to act as a setting for his language. Gary Gygax was so taken with it that he convinced Barker to allow a D&D variant set of rules be published ("Empire of the Petal Throne"). I'd love to get a copy of those rules, just for historical sake. Anyway, D&D was a poor model of Tekumel, and TSR didn't want to put any effort into further support of the line, so they parted ways.
> familiar with the Tekmuel game system? How important was Tsolyani the > language to the play of the game? Somehow I can't imagine gamers willing to > learn an entire language just to do role-playing!
Not for playing, but Tekumel fans do very often put some work into learning the language. I keep meaning to get those books and the Tekumel source material, too...