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Re: clan of the cave bear conlang

From:Paul&Kathy <paulnkathy@...>
Date:Friday, January 7, 2000, 0:04
From:                   Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
> hi, > > a few years ago i read the _clan of the cave bear_ series (officially > called _earth's children_, _clan..._ is the name of the first book) by > jean m. auel. it's about a cro-magnon girl named Ayla who gets adopted > by a clan of neandertals when an earthquake kills her family. it's got > some amazingly detailed concultural information, but it also has somewhat > of a conlang. >
I've never read the books, but I saw the film a while ago. The film was a definate "liff", and I'm fairly convinced the books would be even more so. I did start thinking about making a similar lang, but I couldn't find a way to notate it conveniently. Putting the English versions of gestures in capitals is at least a way to write down utterances easily, and seems similar to the method for romanising cuneiform and some heiroglyphics, where logograms are romanised with capitals and phonograms are romanised with lower- case. Do you intend to develop a lang along these lines (perhaps ur- proto-rokbeigalm?) I'd be very interested in seeing what you come up with.