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Re: Adopting a plural

From:Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Thursday, October 7, 2004, 18:24
On Wednesday, October 6, 2004, at 08:32 , Philippe Caquant wrote:

>> Ray Brown (I think) declared:
Yes, 'twas I.
>> Ouch! I assume "hoodla" is intentionally humorous or > facetious - that one's amusing. But 'agendae' - ach y > fi! A plural of a plural! How long before > we meet "datae"? > > We already write "mass medias"
Ach! - and you don't even say the -s! But then you French like double plurals like "des sphaghettis". I remember a young French girls who stayed with us once who used to say 'the spaghettis are ready' (pronouncing the final -s as [z] in the English manner). We tried several times to explain to her that 'spaghetti' doesn't have a plural in English & we treat it as a mass noun: 'The spaghetti is ready."
> in French (and say > "bliniss", as I mentioned earlier). I don't know what > is or are hoodla,
A hoodlum is 'a street bully', 'a small time gangster'. "hoodla" is just a humorous plural - we normally say 'hoodlums' of course. ============================================== On Wednesday, October 6, 2004, at 08:33 , John Cowan wrote:
> Ray Brown scripsit: > >> But 'agendae' - ach y fi! A plural of a plural! How long >> before we meet "datae"? >> > Well, Google shows about 2000 instances of "agendae", a few of which > are in fact "agendaE", i.e. "Agenda E". This is still swamped by the > 1.3 million instances of "agendas", thankfully.
Thankfully. I think we should explain that 'agendas' is not a double plural in that 'agenda' is now a singular noun in 21st cent Eng. A pity in some ways because it means that instead of saying "the first agendum" we now have to say more long winded "the first item on the agenda". But there' s no way 'agenda' is going go back to being a plural again.
> Of the 3000 hits for "datae", I skimmed the first few screenfuls: there > are > many of the "data E" type, many irrelevancies, and many legitimate Latin > uses as the fem. pl. of the ppt. _datus_ 'given, dated'. But I > did find things like "a large number of datae".
Groan!! I remember when we had 'datum' with it plural 'data'. I've sort of reconciled myself to the use of 'data' as a mass noun. But the last shows that with those speakers/writers 'data' has become a singular countable, i. e. a datum! But then I've heard people speaking about 'a criteria' so I guess if uou googled for "criteriae" you'd find some. Ray =============================================== =============================================== Anything is possible in the fabulous Celtic twilight, which is not so much a twilight of the gods as of the reason." [JRRT, "English and Welsh" ]