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Re: Adopting a plural

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 5, 2004, 18:31
H. S. Teoh scripsit:

> My Greek prof tried that on somebody once, and he got some rather > strange looks. :-) But then again, he is known for things like > pronouncing "Darius" as [d@"raij@s] because that's how the Greek name > is accented.
Some, though not all, of the anglophones whose first name is "Darius" pronounce it so. Isaac Asimov's fictional writer/detective Darius Just (based on Harlan Ellison) explains in the opening pages of _Murder at the ABA_ how tired he is of people punning his name into "Dry as Dust". -- Do what you will, John Cowan this Life's a Fiction And is made up of Contradiction. --William Blake