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Re: Conlangs in SF/S&S [was: Le Guin, Elgin, Spinrad].

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Saturday, April 10, 2004, 18:01
Stephen Leigh's sci-fi books often contain glossaries
of the alien languages used in his works.  _Alien
Tongue_ and _Speaking Stones_ come to mind.


--- Barbara Barrett <barbarabarrett@...>
> barbara babbles; > Just to get back to conlangs for a moment, > > I was wondering what y'all thought of the snipits of > conlangs in C J > Cherryth's books like the Chanur series and > Foreiner/Invader? I think I > recall reading that she's a professional linguist. > > Others that struck me were the Elvish (not Tolkien!) > in K Kerr's books and > the Romulan in the Star treck novels (gets a mention > at omniglot too). > > Any others out there. > > Barbara
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