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Re: On nerds and dreamers

From:Tristan McLeay <conlang@...>
Date:Thursday, March 3, 2005, 13:48
On 3 Mar 2005, at 12.48 pm, Andreas Johansson wrote:

> For me, they denote similar kinds of personality, but while "nerd" is > pretty > neutral, "geek" is decidely negative. It also has connotations of > exclusive > obsession with a single field that "nerd" lacks. In practice I only > speak of > computer geeks and roleplaying geeks, but I suppose one could be a > conlanging > geek.
Really? I have exactly the opposite! You could offend me by calling me a 'nerd' (because I'd assume that your intention), but calling me a 'geek' and I would probably not realise you were being offensive. Max's definition of 'nerd' in Quebeckese French seems to be pretty similar to my definition/understanding of nerd in Australian English. (By more conventional folk, of course, 'geek' and 'nerd' are much closer to synonyms. I know this, I just forget it because I don't use them as such.) In general I agree with Christian. Except about the girlfriend bit :( Tho a few other geeky types got their first girlfriends at ~25, so maybe I just have to wait five more years before the girls mature or something :) -- Tristan.