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OT: TECH: Is it Gmail or Outlook Express?

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Sunday, May 21, 2006, 13:16
Hi all,

I don't know whether this has to do with Gmail or Outlook
Express, but HTML mails are frequently mangled for me. So
e.g. there are always snippets of codes appearing in the
body of a mail, and also letters are coincidentally replaced
by '='. I am experiencing this bug only since I have changed
to Gmail I think. But it may also have to do with Outlook
Express 6: I have digests of the mails of the respectively
previous day delivered to my Gmail address and then download
the digest as an .eml file by viewing the file in raw text

I know this is only a minor problem, but it's one of those
small but annoying ones. So if anybody knows what may be the
mistake or where the mistake is or has experienced the same
problem and found a solution, let me know.


"Miranayam kepauarà naranoaris." (Kalvin nay Hobbes)
Palayena, Ihaloy 10, 2315 ya 14:52:24 pd