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Re: Góquim

From:Nikhil Sinha <nsinha_in@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 5, 2003, 14:13
>"Christian Thalmann" <cinga@...> likis:
> --- In, Nikhil Sinha <nsinha_in@H...> wrote: > The affixes to nouns and verbs seem to have pretty standard > indo-european meanings. You don't ever explain their usage, > so I assume they're identical to Latin (cases) and English > (tenses). That will certainly work fine, since both systems > are well-established in the real world and intuitive to use > for us, but it's not very original. Are the Quauds aliens? > Their language certainly looks 100% human!
No, the Quauds are humans.
> > One of the verb affixes is called "infinite". Is that a > typo for "infinitive", or is it some kind of tense used for > general truths and timeless static situations? The latter > would be cool, but I somewhat doubt it was the intention. > ;-)
That's a spelling mistake. It should be infinitive.
> > The phonology confuses me a bit. You never explain the > values of the letters. Also, the tons of diaereses (¨) make > it hard to read, while seemingly serving no purpose. Is > there a difference between |ai| and |äï|?
Well, I am yet to decide a 'good' phonology. I would require help from you all too. |Ai| and |äï| are not same. In Goquim, acute accents specify long vowels, while those without them are short. In |ai| both vowels are short, in |áí| both vowels are long, but in |äï|, the first is long and the second short. Of course, |äï| can also be written |ái|. For some reasons, the following are written differently in Goquim: äï ëü äü ïü öï üï üï as compared to ai eu au, etc., even in its original script. I am yet to do 'research' on the language of Quaud and 'find' out the reason behind this.
> > Currently, the language description is a bit dry. A few > colorful sample sentences from everyday situations might > give the Quauds a bit more depth and character. Remember, > a language and its culture are entwined.
Okay, I'll try to do that.
> > Hope that helps.
Thank you very much. Nikhil
> > > -- Christian Thalmann