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Re: TECH: Testing again

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 18, 2003, 19:53
JS Bangs scripsit:

> Mozilla doesn't use separate fonts for monotonic and polytonic Greek. It > actually doesn't allow you to set more than one font for separate unicode > ranges at all--there's only one Unicode font, which had better contain > characters for whatever ranges you want. This is clearly sub-optimal.
Actually, Moz and related browsers will search the entire font list to grab any font that contains the character needed. This can produce a rAnSOMe nOTe effect, but it's still better than ye olde boxes.
> * All of the lowercase plain characters appear as uppercase characters > * All of the uppercase characters appear as random mathematical symbols
This suggests that an Adobe-style Symbol font is being used instead of a proper Greek font.
> This is true in both of the browsers I have installed (Mozilla and > Konqueror). This suggests some kind of system-wide fontmap problem, which > I might have to look elsewhere to fix.
Font management is one of the remaining weak places in Linux. I still haven't been able to persuade my system not to display Cyrillic characters fullwidth from some Japanese font or other. -- "While staying with the Asonu, I met a man from John Cowan the Candensian plane, which is very much like ours, only more of it consists of Toronto." --the unnamed narrator of Le Guin's _Changing Planes_