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Re: Beekes.

From:Tristan McLeay <conlang@...>
Date:Saturday, July 26, 2008, 2:34
On 26/07/08 12:20:10, Mark J. Reed wrote:
> <s> = /S/ and <sz> = /s/? How'd that happen?
In an older form of German, two s's were distinguished (apical and laminal or something?). The one which came mostly from PGmc *s was spelt with a regular s, whereas the one that that from PGmc *t was spelt with the predecessor of ß. The regular *s one was retracted compared to the *t one, and struck Hungarians as more /S/-like. (In fact, when the distinction was lost, initial *s before consonants became /S/ in German precisely for this reason.) Hence the Hungarian <sz> is essentially the same thing as the German ß. I hope that's clear, or that someone can clarify --- it's a bit hard to discuss this sort of thing when you can't remember the actual nature of the sounds. -- Tristanc.


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>