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Re: Pronunciation guides for non-linguists

From:Fabian <fabian@...>
Date:Sunday, December 11, 2005, 23:05
Gary Shannon wrote:
> I'm looking for a way to convey proper pronunciation > of conlang letters to non-linguists who may have > different native languages. It's all well and good to > describe "A" as sounding like the "A" in "father", but > for a non-English speaker, that doesn't help. > > What I'd like is a table with columns across the top > for various languages so that "A" might be described > in the "English" column as "fAther", and in the > "Deutsch" column as "vAter", and in the Espanol column > as "pAdre", and so on. > > The sounds I need are shown in this table: > > > What I need is exemplar words for several other > languages. At the very least Spanish, French, and > German, but what other languages would be good to have > in such a table? covers US and UK English, plus a few words in other languages.


Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>