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Re: Kabir Pax (was: Pater Noster (purely linguistically))

From:Shaul Vardi <vardi@...>
Date:Sunday, December 5, 2004, 9:42
Hi Steg,

> Kabiř pax mix qytsút > [Great peace from Jerusalem]
How is that pronounced? And is it actually an R-hacek at the end of "kabir"? Yes, it is an R-hacek, hope that's how it comes out. Pronuonced trilled r + zh, both very short. It's the mutation of "r" in Tesk (mutation in Tesk occurs a) on adjectives immediately before nouns, in place of an older inflexion system; b) in VCV combinations where C is one of the consonants that mutate (most do, a few don't). Pax is a loan word and pronounced as in Latin; x is almost always pronounced kh = כ = خ. So the next word mix is pronounced mikh, the "i" has pretty much the value in German "mich" (so the word sounds like that word, but with a kard kh at the end). I tried to describe what "mi[x]" is in a recent reply to Yitzik: Mix = I don't even know the word for this, grammatically (I'm not a trained linguist). In Tagalog there is the word "si" used before names (si Juan = Juan), and in Tesk I adopted that, and also some analogous terms, including mi before place names. And here it's mix because it's in the "casal" (i.e. non-nominative). If you or anyone else can tell me the linguistic term for "si' in Tagalog, I'd be grateful. In addition to si [name marker] and mi [place marker] there are also ki [language marker] and kiwa [marker or an object or person using or appearing in a given language]. Qyts = "y" is equivalent to u + umlaut, but short. This word, which means Jerusalem, is of course taken from Arabic, hence the "q" at the beginning. A regular Tesk speaker like me would pronounce the "q" k, but pedants and radio announcers would doubtless give it its proper Arabic prononciation (uvular plosive, right?) The postposition -ut means from, out of; the u is poronounced oo, but very short. The accent is that Tesk marker of postpositions and doesn't have phonetic value.