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Re: Trans: 'I love you'

From:Pavel A. da Mek <pavel.adamek@...>
Date:Thursday, April 19, 2001, 8:26
Patrick Dunn wrote:
>Has anyone noticed how many of these translations use some variation of >"mer" or "mir" to mean love? I have a language in which "meraa" is "to >love," as well. Did we all get it from Ancient Egyptian? Or is there >some ur-language? hehehe
"mer" could be cognate with Quenya stem "mel" ("melon" friend, "Melian" (and IMO "Melkor")). It survived in slavonic languageas as "mil", but in other branches was denasalized to "bhil" (greek "phil") and then changed to "libh" (germ. "lieb"). Pavel