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Re: Enya in Quenya (and other conlang music)?

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Friday, April 12, 2002, 5:31
Danny Wrote:

I've been meaning to ask this for years, and finally I'm doing it now. What
artists/bands have ever made up a language, or part of a language, or at
least just plain jibberish (Zappa comes to mind here) for lyrics for their

Sigur Ros sings some songs in gibberish, others in Icelandic and I think a few in English.

some French(>) band with a name starting with M sings songs in a made up language
that seems to have some rules (maybe). I once had the webpage bookmarked.

And..Enya of course..

That's all I can think of now.

Elliott Lash