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Re: Enya in Quenya (and other conlang music)?

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Friday, April 12, 2002, 6:56
Danny Wier writes:
 > Slaam!
 > I've been meaning to ask this for years, and finally I'm doing it now. What
 > artists/bands have ever made up a language, or part of a language, or at
 > least just plain jibberish (Zappa comes to mind here) for lyrics for their
 > music?
 > Thanks in advance,
 > ~Danny~ Well,

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a _band_, per se, (it was in the
classical charts, as I remember) but there was Adiemus, which the site
belowlinked refers to as 'a "new age" or "progressive" Karl Jenkins
musical project'.  The lyrics are in an 'invented language' although
as far as I can tell they have no meaning or structure, being created
solely for the purpose of musical expression, or something along those
lines.  Quite pleasant to listen to, in my opinion.