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Re: Florin

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 5, 2000, 7:58
Am 09/05 01:05  J?rg Rhiemeier yscrifef:

> >From Andrew's dictionary: _sollt_ and _deneir_. > > Nur-ellen uses borrowed terms fitted to the language's phonology: a > pound is a _liv`r_, a shilling a _solt_ and a penny is a _dener_. > Plurals are formed by native rules: _liv`r_ (no change), _sölt_ and > _diner_. >
The dictionary clearly news revising as I also use _kenig_ for penny. It's cognate with the English word but came via Irish Gaelic. I'm slowly getting an idea of how the Kemrese political system looks like and works and might even be reporting back on the election results sometime soon. Does anyone here come from a country with a Single Transferable Vote (STV) system. I am wondering about giving Kemr an upper house elected by that system, and I want to know how it works. Replies can be mailed directly to me to avoid clogging the list with more unConlang stuff. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus