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Re: rhotics (was Hellenish oddities)

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Sunday, December 3, 2000, 20:19
H. S. Teoh wrote:

>OTOH, even after you have learnt to identify the >sound, doesn't mean you can produce it.
This is certainly true. I hear Chickasaw and Pima in phonemics. That is, when I'm transcribing my consultants' speech, I generally do not hear the allophonic alternations anymore. (One big exception for Pima is that I still separate [l] and [r], which are allophonic variants of each other.) However, I cannot pronounce either language very well. I have a hard time with the Chickasaw lateral fricative when it is next to another consonant. For Pima, I have a hard time making my intervocalic /l/'s retroflex, I use a palatal fricative instead of the retroflex fricative, and I never do get the high central vowel right. (I learned the word for "having sex" [DoTma] by mispronouncing "Who ran?" [DoTm}]) I won't even talk about how often I drop out the glottal stop. Marcus