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Re: And now, SOUND!

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, June 2, 2001, 20:41
On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 12:14:07 -0400, Sally Caves <scaves@...>

>Herman, I've been thinking about MP3 for a while now and >have a few questions: Does MP3 come with an expensive >price tag? Does it have a package that allows you both to >play AND record? And finally, can you translate songs >you've recorded in Real Player into MP3? I'd hate to >do these all over again, although my husband and I have >just bought a sound workshop and CD burner for more professional >composition. WHEE HEE! One more piece of equipment >to get all tied up around.
I used to use BladeEnc to create MP3s from WAV files, which is free (see, but now that I've got Cool Edit 2000, I use that. Cool Edit is published by Syntrillium ( and costs $69.00, but you can use it for all kinds of sound processing. The older versions of Cool Edit are what I used to change speed and filter my voice for all the Mizarian samples. It's also got a noise filter that comes in handy for reducing background noise. -- languages of Azir------> ---<>--- hmiller (Herman Miller) "If all Printers were determin'd not to print any email password: thing till they were sure it would offend no body, \ "Subject: teamouse" / there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin


Andrew Chaney <adchaney@...>