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Re: [Conlangs-Conf] Witty slogan - summary & poll - runoff vote - winner?

From:Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>
Date:Monday, March 20, 2006, 9:37
At 18:27 18/03/2006, you wrote:
>Here are the votes. > >I'm not sure which is the winner - group 1 or group 3? And within 3, #6 or 7? > >Someone calculate it for me please? > > - Sai > >Groups: >1. 1111122222223333* >2. 111222222233* >3. 11111112233333*
3 has most first preferences, so on First Past the Post would be the winner. However, it doesn't have an absolute majority, so you may want to commit Single Transferable Voting. In this case, you need to look at the second preferences of those people whose first preference was 2. If they all voted for 1, then 1 has enough votes to gain an overall majority. Otherwise, 3 still wins.
>1.1 233** >1.2 111******** >1.3 223*****
Quite clear here - 1.2 has all the first preference votes.
>3.6 1111**** >3.7 2223****** >3.8 233**
3.6 has all the first preference votes. Pete