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Re: Emphatics?

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 16, 2003, 14:29
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 10:00:45 +0100 Peter Bleackley
<Peter.Bleackley@...> writes:
> What are "emphatic" consonants? The Language Construction Kit says > "Don't ask", but that only makes me want to know even more! > Pete
- "Emphatic" is a general term for a category of consonant phonemes in the Semitic language family that differ in some back-of-the-throat way from the others. In some languages they're glottalized ejectives, while in others they're pharyngealized. For instance, the |S| in "Saddam" isn't the Arabic consonant |siin| /s/, but |Saad| /s_?\/ (pharyngealized s). -Stephen (Steg) "salaam, `aleinu ve`al kol ha`olam..."