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Re: CHAT: Japanese English (was Re: Correction, I hope, of M/C URL)

From:Eric Christopherson <raccoon@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 22:50
At 08:59 AM 3/22/2000 +0100, Christophe wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header >----------------------- >Sender: Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...> >Poster: Christophe Grandsire <Christophe.Grandsire@...> >Subject: Re: Japanese English (was Re: Correction, I hope, of M/C URL) >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >> [silvamu:n kurisutaru pawa: kissu] > > > >Is this a typo, [silvamu:n]? "Silvermoon Crystal Power Kiss"? > > > >I tried to write it as I heard it, putting spaces where pauses were. It's >"Silver Moon" indeed, with a [v], which is quite rare in Japanese, but >begins to be found in a few words (it's written with the katakana for 'u' >followed by a small version of the katakana for 'i'). An alternative >pronounciation would be [silbamu:n] (just like Sailor Venus is sometimes >[se:ra: vi:nasu] and sometimes [se:ra: bi:nasu], depending on the person >who pronounces it).
Small 'i'? Even when the vowel that comes after it is 'a'? Odd. The only way I've ever seen [v] written in katakana is like 'u' but with the two-stroke "voicing" sign, which is pretty strange too, considering that the result only represents a consonant and not a syllable.