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Re: Mispronouncing Conlang Names

From:Geoff Horswood <geoffhorswood@...>
Date:Friday, April 15, 2005, 5:57
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:15:59 -0400, Roger Mills <rfmilly@...> wrote:

> >(From another post:> >Noygwexaal >Norwegian
HA!!! Noygwexaal's romanised orthography is deliberately odd, but it's not _that_ odd. [y] for /N/, [x] for /T/, [q] for /D/ and doubled vowels being double length are easy enough to remember. If you want to blame somesthing, blame my ever-present desire for one- sound, one-symbol correspondence. :| A legacy of my speaking Kazakh as my current L2, I suppose. Geoff